Monday, October 11, 2010

layout is essentially divided into three sections: 1. Header 2. Main Content 3. Footer 15 Coding The HTML You’ll find that most sites will have a simi

We will be converting this exact design to a complete HTML / CSS
website! When viewing such a design, we must begin to mentally
format our layout from an HTML point of view. After a bit of
observation, you might imagine the following layout:

layout is essentially divided into three sections:
1. Header
2. Main Content
3. Footer
15 Coding The HTML
You’ll find that most sites will have a similar structure. Some might
have a few more columns, but in general, you’ll always find these
three components.
Creating the Basic Shell
Now that we’ve visualized our
design from a coder’s point of
view, let’s create the basic HTML
We begin by creating a “container”
division. That way, if necessary,
we can position our entire website
simply by altering one div.
Next, add a few more divisions. Ignoring the specifics and focusing
solely on the wrapping elements, let’s add our three components:
header content goes here
main body goes here
footer info goes here
Web Developer Extension for Firefox
This nifty extension will allow you to edit your CSS inside of the
browser, disable JS, apply rulers, validate the HTML and CSS, to
name a few. It’s an essential tool that nearly all developers have
installed. You should as well.
IE Tester
Unfortunately, even after a decade, we must still compensate for
older browsers – namely Internet Explorer 6 – when converting
designs. Most likely, you’ll have IE7 or IE8 installed though. In order
to preview your designs in this browser, one option – if on the PC –
is IE Tester. It allows you to view any site in IE5 – IE8.
If you work on a Mac (or need to test in a larger variety of
browsers), a second option is to use a site called Browsershots, to
take a snapshot of your design in all of the browsers.
VMWare Fusion
Especially in the design world, Mac users are quickly becoming
the majority. Though Browsershots is definitely helpful, sometimes